Tuesday, April 21, 2009

bug, 14 months and one week old

my little bug...

today you are fourteen months and one week old. currently, you are walking around the sunroom, carrying your oh-so-stylish fuschia velour leopard print purse and wearing your pink gingham oversized sunglasses. you are talk, talk, talking to me...unfortunately, i'm not quite sure what you're saying. you sound a bit like christopher walken, and are just telling me a wonderful story. we went for a walk this morning and you made me stop so you could see every airplane that flew overhead. you didn't want to come inside, but it's cold, dang it!, so i bribed you with promises of a snack. and now, we're just hanging out...you and me...

these are some of the things that you know, my smartest, most beautiful little bug:

uh oh (used interchangably for the typical meaning of uh-oh and for your paci), all done, bye bye, baby, doggie, dada, mama (or "bama"), night-night, outside, airplane, keys, "this?", kiss, fish, trish, teeth, brush, drink, yes, and your current favorite: "NO!"...

all done, more, eat, drink, berry, doggie, outside (you totally made this one up), uh-oh (this one too...not sure licking your hand counts as a sign, but in your genius mind it does!)

dog says "woof", sheep says "baa", monkey says "ooh ooh aah aah", cow says "moo"...

head, hair, eyes, nose, teeth, belly, feet, and sometimes your ear (if you can find it)

every day you make your daddy and mommy smile with your contagious grin, your adorable dimples, and your beautiful blue eyes. we love you so very much. you have a kind heart, you love animals (particularly your soxie and pixie), and the outdoors...not a sunny day has passed this spring (and many chilly, cloudy ones as well) without us venturing outside to play. you make everyone we pass on the street and in stores smile, and they often stop to tell us how adorable you are. they don't know the half of it...as beautiful as you are on the outside, you are even more perfect on the inside. we love you, millie.

mommy and daddy
(or, "bama and dadAAAA")

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